Town Council Meeting Defamation

Mr. Mayor,

Attached are three letters I authorized Attorney at Law Timothy LaSota to send on my behalf.

John J. Fisher Defamation Warning Ltr 5-6-14

Steven Arthur LeMar Defamation Warning 4-23-14

Terry A Smith Defamation Warning 4-9-2014

I am sending them to you and the council members because they are a direct result of your partisan inability and/or unwillingness to control a public meeting.

The comments were recorded the evenings of Jan. 27th and Feb. 3rd and given to Mr. LaSota to form the basis for these warnings. They should be taken seriously.

You let this meeting devolve into a circus of vicious, unsubstantiated innuendo, slander and defamation.

Your lack of control at what should always be in line with the Town Resolution of Civility was a stunning lack of judgment.

As a consequence of allowing speakers to engage in this kind of despicable behavior and even seeming to encourage it by letting them speak beyond their time limits is nothing short of  reprehensible. Then, to cut off the lone speaker that objected to these tirades and ignore the Town Attorney’s’ advice to keep speakers on the subject is downright despicable.  One of the most vocal speakers that evening, a friend of Terry Smith, falsely presented himself as a Cave Creek resident.  John J. Fisher was and is a New River resident…see the attached letter.

You owe me and the Town an apology for your lack of control of this meeting. It was a disgraceful show of buffoonery, thuggery and low class histrionics.

Displays like this are why Cave Creek is held in such low esteem by those that follow and practice good meeting and governance standards.

Lest you or anyone else fall prey to the misbegotten idea that these letters are idle threats, let me reassure you I have no intention to threaten anyone.

I make it a PROMISE to follow through with legal action if there are further lies, fabrications and innuendo perpetrated. The groundwork is already in place.

You would do well to look carefully at the law Mr. La Sota has so carefully pointed out in these letters.


Gerald C. Freeman

Cave Creek, Az.


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