The Recall Fundraiser

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, March 23, 2014 by citizen Sam Buffo

Recently there was an event at the Cave Creek Museum.  It was billed as a celebration of the 14th anniversary of the purchase of the Spur Cross Conservation Area.  Now you ask yourself “why the 14th”?  Most folks would have an annual celebration, or a 5th anniversary, or a 10th. But in this case, if the event  were held say on the 15th year since this milestone acquisition, it would be after the recall election and of little political value.

At this point you’re probably thinking this is one conspiracy theory too far.  Maybe, but let’s look at the facts.  The “celebration” was organized by Sue Mueller, President of the Museum and long -time supporter of the hapless Councilman, Tom McGuire.  And let’s not forget the Museum’s Assistant Treasurer, Gregg Clancy, husband of Susan Clancy, President of the Recall PAC.

The event was attended among others by the psychotic Don Sorchych and his sycophant Tom McGuire, who sat for six years on council without introducing one legislative initiative.

It’s a shame the Museum was used for this shoddy purpose.  The Museum tried to dodge the fundraiser issue. The invitation attempted to put a neutral spin on the event by stating that the Museum “remains a political Switzerland.”  Why was it necessary to make that statement?

The Museum Board has to be held responsible for this political charade.  This Board recently rejoiced in achieving legal land use status courtesy of the new Council.  A Council that accomplished in 84 days what Usama refused to do for 14 years. The Museum Board was recently the recipient of a $10,000 dollar grant from the Council they now wish is oust.  You are welcome Sue & Evelyn.

Is this the beginning of a trend to politicize events in Cave Creek?  Do we ask Hidden in the Hills artists to declare their political affiliations?   Do we have an issues based Wild West Days parade? 

All will agree that the Spur Cross acquisition was a huge undertaking for the citizens of Cave Creek. It will not only benefit us today but future generations will enjoy its’ beauty as well.  To use Spur Cross as a thinly veiled excuse for a divisive recall fundraising effort, is a new low for the psychotic editor.  Sadly the Museum has been drawn into his web of hatred.

As for the Museum President we ask “when does the Board elect a new slate of officers?”

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