The Psychosis of Sorchych and its Impact on Cave Creek.

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, March 2, 2014

Don appears to be going off the deep end writing editorials about his friends and business associates which have absolutely no connection to Cave Creek. But Don’s ramblings, albeit incoherent, provide evidence as to how his mind works and how Don’s disturbed thinking has damaged our Town.

From his recent and other articles, it appears that Sorchych has an extremely difficult time distinguishing between fact/reality and what Don wants to be true. He is deceptive, exaggerates as he wants, minimizes as he wants, and apparently outright lies. He is obsessed with certain matters, and cannot get off the vendetta he has caused. He totally believes he is correct in whatever he does and accepts no other point of view. He entices others into following him, using the game “let’s you and him fight,” and seemingly enjoys watching others do so.

This comes down to a personality disorder with an array of grandiose and persecutory ideation, obsessive compulsiveness, narcissism, and in view of his age and cognitive rigidity, probably some dementia. Don is stuck and will not change.

Don is a magnet for Cave Creek cretins that suffer from the same maladies- folks who can’t engage in a dialogue because their minds are made up before the conversation begins. The recent Town Council madness is proof that the crazies in Cave Creek—folks with more stones than brains, firmly believe that Don is telling them the truth.

Far from it.

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