Pinocchio’s Heaven – Cave Creek Town Hall

Morning Star Road Paving – A Sonoran Truth Editorial

There’s no question that Vince Francia owes his long tenure as Mayor to Don Sorchych.  Staying on the right side of Sorchych is the key to political longevity in Cave Creek.

Francia and Sorchych cooked up the myth that Morning Star Road was never going to be paved and that Morning Star would never connect to Cahava Springs.  But facts tell a different story.

November 2009:  Sonoran News: Council voted unanimously in favor of Town Engineer Wayne Anderson’s request for a continuance until Dec. 7 for the Morning Star Road paving project, stating there were matching federal funds involved that required additional attention.

March 23, 2011: Sonoran News: Yet the contract with citizens was never discussed before the council voted to pave Morning Star Road.

June 8, 2011: Sonoran News published an article about Cahava Springs development being put back together as an ongoing entity.  At that time, it was a 982 acre subdivision with 230 lots platted. Mark Stapp, who has spearheaded the project from its inception, said “This was an important step for us, its puts Humpty Dumpty back together again and allows the project to proceed in an efficient and cost effective manner when the time is right”.

December 14, 2011: Letter from Christine Ferguson in Sonoran News “The city clerk that helped us said she had been instructed to cease taking requests for maintenance of Morning Star, until all of the due diligence was completed that would lead to the road being paved. We were aware that the city received funds for the paving some time ago.
When asked, the city clerk could not tell us when the road might be paved but that it definitely would not be before the spring, when the temperature is at levels needed for the process.”

December 21, 2011:  Property owners along the easement used as a driveway by Sorchych receive a letter from Wayne Anderson, Town Engineer, requesting owners to gift a 60 FOOT WIDE Right of Way all the way to a lot owned by Cahava Springs Development across Cave Creek.

December 28, 2011:  In a letter signed by Wayne Anderson property owners along Morning Star Road from Spur Cross to Old Stage are informed (not asked) that Morning Star will be paved in the summer of 2012 and work completed by “fall 2012”.

January 5, 2012: Cahava Springs redeems property on the easement that was sold for tax liens. Assessor pays the Tax lien holder and Cahava Springs avoids impending foreclosure.  This property is in line with the 60 FOOT right of way to another large acreage belonging to Cahava Springs.  

March 1, 2012: Without asking permission from anyone, Town builds a trail across north side of Morning Star Road across all owners’ property.

March 5, 2012: Town marks trail route on private easement to connect to Cahava Springs owner property. Town continues to push their “bridle path” across private property when no land owners “Gift” those 60 FEET for a major thoroughfare. (Except Sorchych, who fraudulently gifted his parcel)

March 19, 2012: Town Council accepts a “gift” of 2 parcels of land by Cahava Springs by paying $170,000 in back tax liens for the “gifted” land to avoid foreclosure. Council members effusively praise Cahava Springs for being able to pay $170,000 for this land.

March 21, 2012: Sonoran News: There remains a theory creating fear that homeowners in the Cahava Springs development, off 24th street in west Cave Creek, would drive to Cave Creek and cross donated property like mine and Cahava Springs’. The hypothetical drivers would continue on Morning Star Road to Spur Cross Road, then to Cave Creek Road.
The argument extends to the possible paving of Morning Star Road, which completes the conspiracy theory.

April 13, 2012: Superior Court Judge issues restraining order against the Town of Cave Creek, Cahava Springs, and Sorchych preventing them from carrying out their plans to connect Morning Star to Cahava Springs property.  The court order  remains in effect as of this writing.

April 25, 2012: Mayor Vincent Francia, who agreed to attend the meeting, put the kibosh on a number of rumors spreading through town, such as the paving of Morning Star Road, which he said would not happen any time soon, bringing traffic from the Cahava Springs Ranch development or plans for Rural/Metro building a fire station at the site of a private residence on Spur Cross Road, and other such tales. Francia assured citizens the rumors were all false.

May 2, 2011: Sonoran News: A question from the audience had Francia, once again, quelling rumors that seem to have taken on a life of their own. One of those rumors included the town paving Morning Star Road to enable traffic from the Cahava Springs Ranch development.

Are Sorchych and his cronies at Town Hall cooking the facts?

Do our Town leaders think we are fools to buy their bold faced lies?  Manipulating the truth is a politician’s stock in trade.  That’s why elections hold liars accountable for their tall tales.

Sorchych, Francia and Abujbarah say there is no plan to pave Morning Star but we have the the Town letters that show it’s a bold faced lie!

In the face of these facts, these Pinocchio collaborators label the truth as a myth, a theory or a lie. Are they so manipulative and power hungry as to lie to the public but covertly pursue a hidden agenda of land grabs and thoroughfares without transparency, honesty or integrity?

This display of dishonesty begs the question of what else do they lie about.

A confluence of events like this is not a coincidence.  This is too much coincidence to be overlooked and it needs the scrutiny of the State Attorney General’s office in our opinion.

We wonder what Sorchych gets in this deal. Has Cahava Springs offered him a deal that he can’t refuse?

And why is Abujbarah pushing this for Sorchych? Or is this a case of the puppet doing Sorchych’s bidding to assure he will shown in good light in his “newspaper”?  Cave Creek citizens deserve to know the truth.



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