To Win Regardless

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, April 24, 2014.

Hani Saba and the other Sorchych minions are proving their sociopath character—to win is to justify the means. Do whatever it takes to gain control of Town Council and reinstate their psychopathic liar for a Town Manager, Usama Abujbarah.

Usama, that big fat, polite to a fault, bozo who was out collecting signatures to recall council members. I guess Usama doesn’t understand separation of powers. Perhaps he needs a refresher course in citizenship . His kid certainly didn’t learn anything in law school, getting disbarred almost before the ink on his diploma dried.

Anyway, on April 21st, Vice Mayor Trenk submitted a letter to Town Clerk Carrie Dyrek, detailing major irregularities in petition gathering by Donny Boy’s Recall circulators.

04-21-14 Objection to Petition Sheets-Recall 2013-02 Petitions Trenk

Adam’s letter contained a two page list of irregularities, like incomplete notary blocks, missing information on signers, on the circulator, signatures dated AFTER the circulators’ affidavits were notarized, identical handwriting for more than one individual… Ya gotta wonder if Hani Saba fills prescriptions the way he fills out petitions?

Under Arizona law, a petition circulator must swear and sign an affidavit confirming that all the signatures contained on each petition sheet were collected in their presence. See ARS 19-112.

Hani Saba, treasurer for the PAC driving the recall, appears to have signed the circulators affidavit on the back of some of the petition sheets, despite his not actually having been present when the signatures were collected.

Remember the BS (Bentley Saba) bar complaint about Trenk signing a petition as the Soprano, James Gandolfini?

Trenk’s first-hand account and a Sonoran News article both confirm that the circulator Trenk interacted with on March 6, 2014 was Franco Marzella. Yet Saba subscribed and swore before a notary that he was the circulator.

That’s Saba Stupid. This is a class one misdemeanor.

And what was their reason for the recall? Accountability, corruption, misrepresentation??? Seems this is proof positive that per Dog Poop Don, the end justifies the means.

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  1. Pingback: RECALL = RACKETEERING | The Sonoran Truth

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