Adam Trenk for President

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, February 12, 2014.

Recently Donny Boy Sorchych ran a cartoon about Adam Trenk’s aspiring political career. Don finished his editorial with a quip that you can’t fix stupid.

And Don’s cartoon is evident of Sorchych stupidity. Trenk’s political career concludes as either Governor of Arizona or President of the United States. Not sure how Adam would end up as Governor of New Jersey. The cartoon is drawing an illogical conclusion.

Adam is a rising star and clearly a threat to the dinosaurs running around in Arizona attempting to influence voter opinion. Trenk has learned how to deal with terrorists  like Sorchych and his sycophants.

From a standpoint of political stepping stones, once a politician has made it to the House of Representatives, he can move over to the Senate or go back home and become Governor—both of which prepare him for the highest elected office in the United States.

Essentially Don fears that Trenk is that competent and politically astute as to be a threat to the wacko policies Don espouses all the way up to the Executive Office.

We are not suggesting that Adam has eyes on the Oval Office, only that Don’s editorial cartooning is stupid- like his previous neighborhood Nazi cartoon of suburbia lined out as a Swastika.  We suspect Adam wants a successful career as an equestrian attorney, a loving family and the peace, liberty and freedom to enjoy the fruits of labor without being lambasted by a grumpy old man and his band of cretins.

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