Those Who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, December 27, 2013.

The Sorchych Sore Losers did not learn from history so they want a recall.

They got it.

They don’t understand why Bunch and McGuire are being recalled for the same reasons (exact wording) as the Sore Losers’ Petition.

Under the leadership of the Sorchych Council with his Boy, Usama as Mayor, Town governance was not transparent or fiscally responsible. Usama used selective enforcement of town ordinances to favor some citizens and punish others. Basically if the SS (the Neighborhood Nazis—Don characterized himself as the “watchdog”), didn’t like you, or what you stood for, or what you wanted for entitlements or development, then your property rights were violated.

Fascism, pure and simple.

Sorchych, Bunch and Bentley are now attempting to infuse their wacko right wing agenda into local politics.

The reason why local politics is NOT supposed to be partisan is because no matter our affiliation or orientation, neighbors need to focus on what it means to live in their community. Overlaying kooky agendas of political extremism as Don does in the Sonoran News is inappropriate. If he and his sycophants want to rant about national politics, then move to Idaho and secede from the Union.

Bunch is basically brain dead, as is Bentley, who fried hers back in the 60’s. Classifying Kerry Smith as a super liberal is typical of the stupid, simplistic tripe that spews out of the Sonoran News on a routine basis.

The Truth doesn’t care about your political perspective. We care about the issues as they pertain to Cave Creek. We want honest, transparent governance that first and foremost, upholds the constitutional rights of property owners.

After that, we want an informed dialogue on the merits of various visions for the future of our town rather than ad hominem attacks as promulgated by the Sonoran News.

Is that too much to ask? Cave Creek voters agreed with us an elected a new majority to lead the Town. Sore Losers lamented their loss of control and now need remedial education. Since they didn’t learn from history, they are bound to repeat it.


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