McGuire the Liar

A Sonoran News Editorial, December 6, 2013.

Recently, Tom McGuire posted a guest editorial in the Desert Foothills Chronicle. We think Tom is a liar and here is why: Tom considers that previous Town Councils and citizens guided growth and laid a strong foundation for the future of Cave Creek. Really?

Transferring responsibility of Black Mountain was a Carefree initiative—not Cave Creek. The only thing Cave Creek did, was screw it up with Francia on the forefront. Francia couldn’t manage his way out of wet paper bag.

Incorporating Cave Creek in 1986 was to preclude Bob Kite from building a grocery store in downtown Cave Creek. That myopic, stupid vision of “growth” by the likes of Jackie Davis and John Hoeppner is what has caused Cave Creek to be the most indebted township per capita in the state of Arizona. These spoiled brats tried to stop growth at every turn, ultimately causing Cave Creek to get a Wal Mart to bail it out of debt. McGuire and his fellow council members trampled on the property rights of Creekers, and spotted zoned Wal Mart into a residential area. Now the liar McGuire tries to spin a yarn that our commercial land will provide revenue for years to come BY TURNING CAVE CREEK INTO A CLONE OF EVERY OTHER STREET CORNER IN THE VALLEY!!! Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Rd. will look like Tatum and Bell or Shea and Scottsdale. That’s McGuire’s vision of Cave Creek.

Which is why the Truth wants to get rid of McGuire and replace him with Eileen Wright. Eileen knows what Creekers want. Eileen will not trample the property rights of Creekers like Tom did and then lie about it to save his seat. Tom is nothing more than a dupe for Don Sorchych. Eileen has the courage and conviction to stand up against Sorchych as proven in the past.

Liar McGuire lauds the efforts of Usama who admitted to former Vice Mayor Gilbert Lopez that Sorchych and Usama would routinely write articles in the Sonoran News lambasting perceived enemies and scripting Town Council meetings (to which Liar McGuire played his part), to insure that democracy was trampled to serve their ends. We call that totalitarianism. We call that Fascism. We want nothing of it. Guys like McGuire have done more to harm our community that preserve it. Cave Creek was a better place before it incorporated and the previous council with the likes of La Mar and McGuire and Bruce were the worst offenders acting as a bunch of puppets. McGuire’s puff piece is nothing more than political posturing that make Creekers puke.

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