Who the Hell is Hani Saba?

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, November 28, 2013.

Hani Saba is the latest sycophant to come forward to do Don’s dirty work.. But let’s connect the dots.

While Bentley recently did a sympathy piece on Usama, she left out that Usama’s son is disbarred attorney and a drug user.

Hani is a drug pusher. The politically correct title is Pharmacist, but drugs are drugs. Folks get addicted to drugs pushed by a person in a white coat just as easily as they do from someone standing on the corner of Van Buren. Oxycotin anyone? Think Rush Limbaugh.

So Don hired a drug dealer to head up a PAC to run the recall. How sweet. And they called it the Cave Creek Caring Citizens. Hmm. Why not the Cave Creek Crazies? Better yet, the Kave Kreek Krazies—that’s more like it.

The Krazies, like the Klan, want to violate your civil rights. They want to return Cave Creek to a totalitarian socialist form of governance. In short, they want George Orwell’s Animal Farm. They are the Pigs. They are more equal than others. Have any doubts—read Saba’s guest editorial in Sonoran News from last week.

Saba, like Sorchych, sees nothing wrong with Selective Enforcement. Saba considers the Usama’s violation of the Constitutional Rights of citizens a slight inconvenience. Look how Sorchych and Usama screwed with Freeman’s easement?

Deadbeat Don did not pay his neighbor for maintaining a shared easement for 11 years. It took a court order to get Don to fork over the cash. When Freeman had to sue Don again to get exclusive use of the last 200 yards of easement leading to his house, Don gifted the land to the Town and Usama thought nothing of placing the gift on the consent agenda even though the matter was in litigation—that the Town was basically buying Don’s lawsuit. And Don thinks we should listen to him for civic advice? What kind of drugs does Don take?

Hani of course, has access to all of America’s finest pharmaceuticals. Valium, Prozac, Viagra… I’m sure Hani keeps Don well supplied. Probably Bentley too. These folks are clearly on drugs to come up with an idea that Creekers want Usama back; that Creekers want to return to a fascist form of governance. We say good riddance.

You want a recall? We’d like God to recall Sorchych. Happy Thanksgiving, Turkey.


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