McGuire’s Mistakes

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, October 23, 2013.

Tom McGuire wrote a guest editorial in the Desert Foothills Chronicle (a/k/a Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood) questioning the town manager selection process, and in doing so, questioned the residency of Adam Trenk. McGuire has previously been labeled part of the “Out to Lunch Bunch” slate consisting of Vince Francia, Ernie Bunch and Tom McGuire.

Given Philip Haldiman’s explanation in the Arizona Republic as to why Adam Trenk moved and is keeping his residency confidential, Tom clearly manifests an “out to lunch” attitude. He’s not abreast of current events at the least.

McGuire previously admitted to a Cave Creek citizen that he never reads the Council packets to prepare for a meeting. McGuire routinely voted to keep Usama as Town Manager and now questions the selection process of replacing him

First and foremost, the Sonoran Truth wants to point the finger at Tom McGuire and say: “You are the reason for the problem. Your vapid, inept leadership caused this problem.”

Yes the procedure is flawed. Yes it should be fixed and yes, the entire council should have a say in the selection process. We don’t need citizens on a selection committee. Citizens voted for a selection committee when they ousted 4 incumbents and the new council members showed some real leadership and immediately fired Usama. Usama never should have been hired as Town Manager and should have been removed a decade ago. But Francia and other Sorchych sycophants made sure their “Boy” Abujbarah stayed in power. And with you approving Mariscal Weeks’ contracts so that the Town Manager essentially could usurp all control of Cave Creek, defeating democracy in the process, you caused a lot of harm to this community.

It is damaging to Cave Creek to keep you in office.

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