Extortion Sorchych Style

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, June 14, 2013

Apparently Sorchych has threatened John Alexander of the Foothills Focus.

Don doesn’t like that Sara Vannucci is doing an admirable job reporting the local news objectively on behalf of the Focus and the Focus is cutting into his business. Advertisers are leaving the Sonoran News for the Focus because the Focus is delivered every week and has a wider circulation. So Don called John and told John that Don would start publishing Liar Linda Bentley articles on Sara. Of course, Francia considers Don his friend, and the Sonoran News remains the Town’s official paper.  The Sonoran News is so broke, Sorchych moved in with True West Magazine, 6702 E. Cave Creek Rd., Suite 5. PO Box 8008, Cave Creek, AZ 85327. What kind of bozo would let Derelict Don move into their business office? Oh yeah- that’s right, a guy by the name of  Bob Boze (a/k/a Bozo) Bell- a kid who was so stupid he ran the bases backwards.  I guess Boze doesn’t realize that folks shun businesses for dealing with Don and his dumb friends. Drop Boze a line and suggest he clean up his office and throw out the Snorin’ News.

Kudos to the Focus for manifesting professional journalism. Tell your friends and your  local businesses to advertise in the Focus so that Don’s cat litter paper can shrivel up and die.


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