Tom McGuire- The Village Idiot

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, June 19, 2015.

Sorecheeks and the S’Nooze including the brainless Bentley, have accused the Truth of using profanity. Candidly, what Don has done to Cave Creek is far more profane than the use of four letter words, but we digress…

Why would Tom write such an email to his pal Donny, and why did Don throw Tom under the bus and print it? Damn, that’s some stinkin’ bullsh*t.

McGuire must have been off his meds. Tom says: “As far as I am concerned, “no property tax” is an icon of this town.” An icon is a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of something.

Although “No Property Tax” is not a thing or a person, we get McGuire’s meaning. But what about Spur Cross Ranch? Did not Creekers vote a property tax upon themselves to acquire open space?

The Icon that Creekers cherish is the Constitution. Liberty, justice, due process, and property rights- things that you and your fellow puppets of Dogpoop Don trample on a daily basis. That why Don calls us the Dark Side. Just do a search on Cave Creek lawsuits. How much litigation has the Town been involved in over property rights? And what do you tell Eileen Wright? That she was axed because you were told to vote that way??? Because Eileen befriended the Freemans who are fighting for their property rights???

Being a Democrat or a Republican is irrelevant to supporting the Constitution. It’s called the Bill of Rights for a reason. Rights can’t be used for political purposes or vendettas the way Usama did on behalf of his and your master, Don Sorchych.

If there was any doubt that Don is calling the shots in Cave Creek, your email proves it. That’s why you’re the Village Idiot. Why in the world would you write such a post and sign it as a Town Council member???

Reader’s Comments:

Yep…the village idiot is off his meds again.  The little spat between McGuire and Sorchych is akin to a lovers quarrel. McGuire says “Best regards to Shari Jo.”  Awful….Gag…Spit!

There is absolutely no doubt Sorchych runs the Town of Cave Creek. He’s proving it at every council meeting. Sheeple will follow anything….even an Anti-Semite that prints Swastika’s.  McGuire is one of Don’s sheeple.


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