“Let Them Sue Us”

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, April 4, 2015

It was his favorite phrase at staff meetings. Usama the Felon would read excerpts of the Sonoran News in staff meetings so that “at will” employees of the Town would understand the real agenda—these are the people you are to harm.

And harm they did. Pingitore. Jim Langan. Arek Fressadi, Gil Lopez, and Jerry Freeman, just to name a few. Further as to Freeman’s woes with Cave Creek:





The newly elected Town Council of Sorchych sociopaths (the “SS”) is having an executive session on April 6, 2015 to address a long list of litigation:

Arizona Public Service v. Town of Cave Creek, CV2015-000498,

Town of Cave Creek v. Johnstone, CV2014-009361,

Abujbarah v. TOCC et al, CV2013-011198,

Hulsing v. Town of Cave Creek (Notice of Claim filed),

Wrangler’s Roost & Longway Properties v. Town of Cave Creek (Notice of Claim filed),

Fressadi v. Town of Cave Creek, LC2014-0206; 2:14-CV-01231-DJH Federal District Court and US Court of Appeals 9th Circuit Court 15-15566,

Freeman v. Town of Cave Creek, CV2012-092643,

Kaese v. Town of Cave Creek (Stagecoach Pass Estates), CV2009-054711.

That’s a lot of litigation for a little town, but then Cave Creek takes the crown for the Town with the largest debt per capita in the state of Arizona.



This sorry state of affairs is due to the managerial incompetence of Usama who filed a frivolous lawsuit in order to oust the four council members who fired him. Thanks to Sorchych and Rancho Manana, it worked.


Usama has done more damage to this Town than anyone else in the history of the universe. He admits to taking order from Sorchych- after all, it’s better to be Don’s friend than have Dog poop for an enemy. Usama’s transgressions against the Town stretch from shoplifting groceries and town supplies, to using Town employees as personal slaves, to screwing up our infrastructure, putting the Town hopelessly in debt to the brink of bankruptcy. He even destroyed email evidence to cover up his tracks.





Ironically, Linda “the Brain” Bentley wrote an article published in the Sonoran News regarding a RICO lawsuit against the Clintons. The backbone of the RICO pleading appears to be Hilary’s destruction of email… just like Usama did after he was terminated as Town Manager. The anomaly of publishing Linda’s article in the Sonoran News is that Fressadi is accusing Bentley, Sorchych, and Abujbarah among others of racketeering in his litigation to be addressed in executive session. It seems Sorchych is too senile to understand the connection… or too stupid.

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