Don is the Dark Side

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, March 20, 2015.

Hey Dog Poop- we know Star Wars, and you ain’t Hans Solo, or Obi Wan Kenobe, and not even close to Yoda. You’re the Emperor, and Usama is Darth Vadar. It seems your your senile mind has confused dark with light, integrity with corruption, and Truth with Info. Intelligent, ethical Creekers know this.

That’s why we call you Nazis. Storm Troopers, the SS. You will do whatever it takes, regardless of the ethics or law to accomplish your objective and use your toilet paper of a “tabloid” to promulgate your propaganda, over and over again. We get it. That’s how you manipulate apathetic citizens who sometimes vote.

“Going to town hall is friendly now and it and is clear the staff is pleased and relieved. That they still miss Abujbarah is clear. Remember Town Clerk Carrie Dyrek had a huge offer to be town clerk of a much bigger city but refused because she enjoyed working for Abujbarah. I asked a key town executive about morale and Town Manager Peter Jankowski and the answer was “He is a nice guy but Usama is family.” It will be interesting to see how Abujbarah’s law suits turn out now that the election is over. Perhaps the suits will move expeditiously and finish in his favor. No question Trenk and his slate manhandled the process of firing him.”


Usama is a felon. He destroyed Town property.

We alleged in this article that Carrie Dyrek was an accomplice of Usama’s criminal conduct. It would appear from Don’s editorial that our assessment of Carrie’s moral compass was accurate. Carrie wants to work for Usama- he’s family.

Everybody in Town Hall knew Usama was in love with Carrie. Given Carrie’s romantic history, a preponderance of evidence would suggest that Carrie might have had reciprocal feelings. Carrie used to be Carrie Fassil, which is an Arabic/ Ethiopian surname. She has three daughters by her former husband. Carrie bought her BMW from Dick “the drunk” Esser. Carrieookey is her password to her computer unless changed when Brian Poore (of Poore Bros Potato Chips) became our IT guy. Mad Town Girl?

Carrie, the Mad Town girl, is well known for massaging Town Council minutes to suit the intention of Usama. As such, and given their feelings for each other, is it any surprise that the woman vested with making sure Usama left all Town property intact, in fact, assisted Usama by looking the other way and not doing anything for over 30 days to make sure the “tapes” were erased. Shades of Watergate.

As for Usama’s lawsuit against the Town, the Court is basically trashing the idea of imposing Florida’s Sunshine Law in Arizona. Sorchych wants a liberal Earl Warren “legislate from the bench” solution. He wants a Judge to change Arizona law to conform with Florida law.

The judge in the case, thinks otherwise, and has gone to great lengths to explain why. Abujbarah — partial recon sj-1 Bottom line- there is NO EVIDENCE that the “Trenk Slate” ever met or conferred regarding the termination of Usama, and even if they did confer prior to being sworn in, which they did not, such a meeting would not violate Arizona’s open meeting law.

Usama- the Town Manager that bankrupted the Town. La Mar now admits that Cave Creek was insolvent in 2009 . Usama, the thief, who would go to Costco to buy “office supplies” and then whisk home with groceries all purchased on Cave Creek’s credit card. Usama- who gave the Town’s car to his son plus the Town’s credit card to have a fling in Las Vegas. That’s Nasser, the disbarred attorney, who Usama let use the Town Hall for his “office.” Usama, who used town assets for personal parties that Town staff assisted moving furniture in and out of Town hall and paying for it with Town funds. Yeah, that’s the Usama that newly elected Dick “the drunk” Esser thinks is the best guy in the world to run Cave Creek. Esser is an alcoholic. Esser, the idiot who wanted to run, then quit, then had Carrie and Usama fudge his candidacy, only to have Freeman put him in his place. Yep. That Dick whose part of the Sorchych Slate, who now want to bring back Usama to run Cave Creek.

How did Usama do it? By firing employees that questioned his conduct.Town employees work “at will.” First Usama fired Candice Maynard who was vocal about payments for Usama’s different expenses. Karen Gibbons was next to go, and upon information and belief, Marian Groneveld followed Karen. Teresa Riza  (formerly Vine) was an ass kisser. She and Carrie are buddies and she’s Carrie’s assistant Town Clerk and a big Usama fan.

Get it? Town Hall was not managed by competence, ethics or integrity but by fealty. Kiss Usama’s ass or find yourself unemployed. Usama, the Dark Vadar of Don’s Evil Empire.

That’s why Don is the Dark Side.

Reader’s comment: Bull-frickings-eye. My wife says, “He nails it.” She’s a retired Cost and Management Analysis tech who looks at stuff and dismantles them to their real essential parts in seconds. Smart. Shrewd. A mild skeptic. She has read Don’s stuff long enough to know you are dead-on right. I have always wondered how a guy, who claims to be hard-over right wing can act like a northeast liberal using Alinsky-ite tactics? Maybe he is not as conservative as we think. 🙂

Editor’s reply. Don is spineless when it comes to conviction. All he is interested in is maintaining some kind of narcissistic hegemony over small minds. These small minds resonate to “conservatism,” so Don is conservative. I’m pretty sure he’d wear a pink tutu if it meant he could control the minds of the electorate.

As for Don’s relationship with Usama…when former Vice Mayor Gil Lopez asked Usama, “face to face, if he shared information with Sorchych for Sorchych to print derogatory items in the Sonoran News about people they didn’t like. He answered “yes”, and when I asked, why would you do that? He answered, “I would rather have him as a friend than an enemy”. (circa 2004-2005).”

Former Vice Mayor Grace Meeth comments: “Carrie and Usama – that’s news to me. I never noticed that connection, but then the last six years of my terms I stayed out of town hall. I got tired of being lied to and misled. It was easier to just stay away and figure things out on my own.” [emphasis added]

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