The Tragedy of Cave Creek Planning, updated 3-16-15

As the Town ramps up for another divisive dispute presented by the sociopath of Planning, Ian Cordwell, the Truth thought we should consider the tragedy we’re becoming, complete with our very own Wal Mart. Thanks Vince.

Update March 11, 2015 from Grace Meeth:

Mayor Francia and Councilmembers,

I was appointed to the Planning Commission by elected officials whom I respected and whose agenda served the town, not themselves. I cannot support the new Council, the majority of whom deceived and misled the public to get elected. I therefore tender my resignation from the Planning Commission, effective immediately. Grace Meeth

In an email to publish her resignation, Grace made the following comments:

If you would like to print the resignation letter, I meant every word of it. I trusted Usama and the staff implicitly for about the first six years of my time on the Council. Then I began to get brief glimpses of what was going on, and it took a little while till I could confirm and believe that they were actually undermining the Council’s efforts and withholding information to produce the outcomes they wanted.  After I got over the shock, and believe me, it did take a while, I began to start proofreading everything, every document, and it was exhausting, yet enlightening.  When I was friends with Sorchych, in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, friends associated with the schools kept telling me how he was distorting information concerning the school district and I just found it hard to believe, because that wasn’t the Don I knew. I wrestled with what was happening with my relationships with Don and Usama until I came to the realization that I never really knew them, just the persona they wanted me to know. In my life, until then, I had never dealt with truly deceptive, disingenuous people, and I just didn’t see it coming. I don’t even want to think about the Council decisions I made, based on misleading information from staff, that will forever haunt this town. I still lose sleep over having been duped, and what the fallout from that period might be. It is interesting how alliances change. Whoever you are, I’m glad we’re on the same side! Grace

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