Great Men Always Have Enemies

The miscreants and cowards who fill the Sonoran News editorial page just cant give up hating on Vice Mayor Adam Trenk. It seems that no matter what he does, Trenk keeps them hot and bothered. Understandable though it may be in the case of Steve LaMar given his apparent proclivities for young men, one has to wonder what it is about Trenk that keeps Bob Williams, Hani Saba, and old Sorchcyh so motivated to sit in front of their desks furiously pounding out self-affirming anti-Trenk rhetoric?

This past September Trenk ventured to Washington DC to join the No Labels Foundation, giving of his time and energy to work with a bipartisan national panel of State and Local leaders to help develop a national strategic agenda. Hard to imagine this could be controversial, yet Saba’s missive in this weeks S’News is ripe with hate at the thought. Saba must have an anti-American pre-disposition to find fault with an effort to secure this great nation. But who are we to speculate . . .

As usual, Sorchych’s hypocrisy in his column this week knows no bounds. Last year he published Trenk’s address and pictures of his home before threatening Trenk’s safety by printing a Nazi Swastika with the message “Once off your drive way you’re in the land of the enemy, drive with care” together with an article about Trenk in the same week Trenk’s truck had a catastrophic drive train failure and his horse died. And yet Sorchych again has the gall to question Trenk’s motivation for keeping the location of his new home quiet?

Sorchych further rants that Trenk is costing the Town legal fees, as though the Town has a choice but to defend the frivolous lawsuits brought by Abujbarah. Word around the camp fire is Dick Esser is has admitted that Usama Abujbarah’s suit is intended to terrorize and undermine the legitimacy of Trenk and the “Slate” even though Abujbarah knows he can’t win. We hear they think this helps them in a recall. Hard to say if that is the truth, since Dick is a notorious liar, but the point is it is Abujbarah costing the town all that money.

Then consider all the other lawsuits originated against the Town due to Abujbarah/ Sorchych vendettas…read Hebets’ memos to the FBI of the atrocious conduct of Cave Creek based purely on the emotional diatribes of “Donny Boy” and Usama placating Don in order to keep his job… all condoned by Mayor Francia and previous councils so that they stay out of the cross hairs of Sorchcyh hate rants in the S’News… old habits die hard.

The kicker in this week’s S’News is Bob Williams. His half witted attempt at sarcasm entitled “the Trenk void” regurgitates the same stale allegations the Sonoran News has hurled at Trenk time and time again, but now in question form…. Good one Bob! How long did you play with yourself before coming up with such asinine stupidity?

Rather than point out the absurdity of each query Williams was able to muster, we figured we would simply respond with a few facts:

  • Without Adam Trenk the Town’s budget would be $1.2M dollars higher this year
  • Without Adam Trenk the horsemen and women of Cave Creek would still have to apply & pay for building permits to put up corrals within their building envelopes, and then have them inspected before use
  • Without Adam Trenk sandwich boards would still clutter the Town core
  • Without Adam Trenk property owners with lots greater than one acre in DR-89 or DR-190 rural zones would not have horse privileges
  • Without Adam Trenk the odor and fumes coming out of the Waste Water treatment plant would still be so foul & oppressive they effected the health of neighboring residents
  • Without Adam Trenk the Town would not have started to develop policies and procedures to ensure adequate systems tests and preventative maintenance are performed on the water utility infrastructure.
  • Without Adam Trenk the Town would still regularly spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in emergency repair costs for preventable water system failures
  • Without Adam Trenk the citizens of the community would not have access to their elected officials during weekly office hours
  • Without Adam Trenk the Town would not have a standardized public records request system which catalogs fulfillment details keeping staff accountable
  • Without Adam Trenk Cave Creek would still be run by Usama Abujbarah and subject to the toxic influence of Don Sorchych and the Sonoran News

Trenk may not be an infallible leader, but Cave Creek should count its blessings that the likes of Esser, LaMar, and Jim Bruce are no longer rubber stamping the ill-conceived and never vetted policies Abujbarah presented to the former council. Without Trenk, there would not be a void, there would be a vacuum, and history has shown us that it sucks up the lowest common denominator. One need only look to how this gang of cyber bullies continues to react to the legitimate and well deserved 2013 democratic defeat of their terrorist regime for proof of that.

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