Donny’s Ticker, Lawsuits, Coyotes, Petitions, Buffaloes, and SN BS

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, August 7, 2014

The Truth has learned that Conestoga Merchants, Inc., publisher of the Sonoran News along with Don and Shari Jo Sorchych are evading service of Fressadi’s lawsuit in Federal District Court. Fressadi alleges that Sorchych and Usama along with their minions engaged in a fraudulent scheme to control and convert his property. Fressadi filed under state RICO statutes such that Don and Usama are facing mandatory jail time. Let’s hope that Don’s ticker holds out so that he can serve a mandatory sentence.

Don’s still spinning BS claiming that Trenk is costing the town millions or whatever in legal fees and facing a Federal complaint from Usama. Trenk has yet to be served. It’s filed but frivolous. It won’t last 90 days if Usama has the balls to serve Trenk.

The lawsuits caused by Sorchych and Usama (along with Mariscal Weeks, now Dickinson Wright) are long and endless. This is the real cost of having to deal with Don’s psychological illness to which his mindless minions like Janet Mohr and Hani Saba follow as if Don is some sort of messiah.  Eunuch Francia ALWAYS does Don’s bidding, so of course they’ll change the Coyote to prevent Trenk from telling the Truth in the Town’s publication.

Nothing’s really changed in Cave Creek, just the appearance that things are different. Take Zoning for instance. Don used to support no growth activists like Marsolo, Stanfield, Meeth to create the acronym CAVE- Citizens Against Virtually Everything. Marsolo, Meeth and Stanfield broke ranks with Don so Don made them out to be bitches. Once Don was established, he changed his tune to bring in the worst big box of all- Wal Mart. Why? Because Francia, Sorchych, and Usama had so screwed up Cave Creek financially, they had no choice but to seek a bailout from the pariah of small towns, Wal Mart.

So now Donny is going for a third bite at the apple looking to violate the very tenants of democracy with a baseless recall of four council members that Don doesn’t control. Who costs the taxpayers money Don? Who is a sore loser? Wimp. You’re just a decrepit old  wimp, a geezer, a dead man walking… with idiots for friends. Idiots who are so heartless as to poison prized Buffaloes. Can we prove it? Probably not. You got away with it when your minions apparently killed Trenk’s horse.  If it worked on a horse, it would work on buffaloes. The Truth offers it’s condolence to TC. Wise of you not to call back Bentley. She wouldn’t print the truth anyway.



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