Declaring our Independence from Unabashed Hatred, Hypocrisy, and Hysteria

A Sonoran Truth Editorial in concert with Vice Mayor Adam Trenk, July 4, 2014.

Last February Vice Mayor Adam Trenk wrote an editorial published by the Sonoran Truth titled “hatred hypocrisy and hysteria”. This weeks edition of the Sonoran “news” epitomizes that publication’s unabashed continuance of that behavior.

This week there was real news to report in Town. A road was barricaded by a private citizen as retaliation for the town’s recent termination of a permit they had been granted to run an auto repair shop in a residential neighborhood. Previous administrations approved the permit, but the operation of the shop proved a nuisance for dozens of neighbors. The Town also had a water supply emergency that was rapidly tended to by our outstanding new utilities director and diligent crew… Yet the Sonoran “news” ignored the actual news and dedicated its “news” and editorial pages yet again to half witted tirades.

Hatred is self explanatory. Sorchych ignores publishing real news to focus on personal attacks…

The hypocrisy is two fold:

First, Sorchych used his power as the newspaper publisher to prevent a wheelchair bound neighbor of Don’s from making needed improvements to their property. (

Yet this week he publishes a piece by Janet Mohr crying foul about a judges ruling that she knowingly committed petition fraud by signing a false affidavit based on the fact that one of the signors she attested to was disabled using some twisted self serving logic as though sympathy should have been the basis of giving her petition fraud a pass. Where was Sorchych’s sympathy for his neighbor who wanted to access her property with a ramp? Ask Liz Weideman.

Second, Dog Poop Don and his minions rant on about their failed recall efforts being thwarted.

They claim the recall should have been allowed to proceed despite two separate rulings from two different judges because the 300 or so signors had constitutional rights… Well what of the 900+ Creekers who voted for the serving counsel? Did they not deserve to have their votes stand? When Robert Papineau filed a lawsuit on behalf of Sorchych and Usama trying to keep me off the ballot, was that not an obstruction of the voice of those 70+ people who signed my candidates’ petitions?

How is it that stopping a recall based on a factual violation of law that was confirmed by a court of law on two occasions, is a violation of some constitutional right, but trying to block a legitimate candidate from being on the ballot or later crying that a recall predicated on falsified affidavits should be forced is not a violation of the voting rights of others? Hypocrites!

Regrettably, my colleague Tom McGuire echoes Sorchych’s hysterical outrage that I espoused the truth in my comments to the public published in the town newsletter…

Sorchych and the misled sycophants that cower to him cater to his business model of forcing the focal point of his vitriol into submission. In my instance, Don’s BS just makes my resolve stronger. I ran for office to serve the citizens of Cave Creek, not just the Sorchych sorority. Don and his girls disingenuously claim to be victims when they are perpetrators of dastardly deeds. Cave Creek is weary of Don’s perversion of truth which prompted the publication of this blog.

Happy 4th to all – declare your independence and freedom from the tyranny imposed on the Town by Sorchych.

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