Esser is Hallucinating from the Heat

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, June 29, 2013.

Apparently Dick Esser is going around telling folks that he’ll be coming back in six months with a lot of money behind the Sorchych Slate as the Cave Creek Good Old Boys (a/k/a Sorchych Sycophants or SS for short) are already working on the recall of the wise council members newly elected. These folks are financing the sewage Sorchych calls the Sonoran News as their propaganda machine. Usama allegedly declined the generous severance package that was offered him because he thinks the SS will succeed and he’ll be back in the saddle screwing with Cave Creek again.

But let’s put this in perspective. When Sorchych tried to screw with Ed Morgan in Carefree for hiring a private contractor to fix a pot hole, Ed pulled the Carefree government ads from the Sonoran News. Sorchych is a racist SOB who looks under nook and cranny finding “illegal aliens.” Don was sure the contractor was hiring Mexicans, so he spun a lie in an editorial that the green cards that Ed and the Contractor shared with Don were “fake.” Part of Don’s stellar upbringing in DePue, Illinois where he learned it was OK to call Blacks the N word, Italians, “Dagos,” Puerto Ricans, “Spics” and persons from Poland, “Pollacks.” Don’s recent confession. We’re not making this up.

By the way, the Sonoran News doesn’t have subscribers and refuses to print the government advertisements in both English and Spanish, a Federal requirement. To be the “Official newspaper” for the Town of Cave Creek, Don prints all the Cave Creek ads in the Gila Bend paper, which is a circulating newspaper and prints the ads in both languages, which allegedly makes the SN eligible for Cave Creek’s government ads. We all know the Francia, Usama and Sorchych are ethically challenged. After all, who in Cave Creek would be seeing ads in the Gila Bend paper?

But even this dubious loophole is suspect. Times are tough in Gila Bend and the subscription level for the Gila Bend paper is too low to qualify the Gila Bend paper as Don’s patsy. Time to get rid of the Sonoran News as the “Official” newspaper of Cave Creek.


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