Our View: Say Good Bye to Sorchych

How stupid does Don think we are? The incumbents are the Sorchych Slate (a/k/a “SS”).

The current council was hand picked to do nothing by Don’s puppets, Vince and Usama. Vince isn’t very smart, kind of swarmy, but loves the status and prestige that comes with being Cave Creek’s Mayor no matter how incompetent his leadership.

Usama’s Koran is covered in dollar bills because Usama wants the money that comes with being the Town’s Manager. He management skills are akin to an Afghani war lord. And Don is just an old wrinkly horse just waiting to be turned into glue. Which is why these guys will do anything, ANYTHING to keep the status quo.

Who drove us off the fiscal cliff?

Dogcatcher Don, the Buddhist Bookie, the Muslim Migraine in concert with the Sorchych Slate, the SS. That’s who drove the Town off the fiscal cliff.

Admitting to their crimes with a Freudian slip, Don portrays the contenders in a cartoon driving the Town off the cliff when it was Don at the wheel, Usama riding shotgun and Vince being ambivalent in the back seat along with the Sorchych Slate who took us over the edge to the tune of $62+ Million in debt!

Vince knows his days are numbered. The first piece of business will be to fire Usama which Vince will try to block but Adam knows his way around the law and will force Usama’s termination onto the agenda.

Once Usama is out, then the council can request an independent audit of Cave Creek’s affairs from which Vince will sheepishly resign in an “iconic” way.

A new paper will arise. Advertisers will leave Don like a pariah. Investigations will lead to indictments and Don ends up in jail.

Simple. Five new faces  and Dave Phelps for Mayor.



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